Houston, TX - January 7, 2021 – The Society of St. Vincent de Paul chapters of St. Francis Xavier and St. Philip Neri have worked non-stop to ensure the most vulnerable in the Sunnyside Community have access to food. The Sunnyside Community was reported as being one of the most affected communities by COVID-19.
In honor of their hard work, both St. Francis Xavier and St. Philip Neri received a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for their dedication to provide food and resources to assist seniors and families-in-need in the Sunnyside Community.
Curtis Jones, a Vincentian of St. Francis Xavier, was also presented with the Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for providing relief and resources to seniors, veterans, and anyone in need.
About the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP): The Society is a faith-based, non-profit organization helping families living in poverty in the Greater Galveston-Houston area since 1871. The Society is a network of 58 parish-based chapters with over 1,800 Vincentian volunteers actively doing Home Visits every day. On September 18, 2021, the Society will celebrate its 150th Anniversary with a gala. Visit the gala page to learn how to participate.
For more information on how to donate to our programs or media inquiries, please contact our Director of Development at development@svdphouston.org.